Monday, September 30, 2019
Peggy Hettrick Essay
The Peggy Hettrick case has been a cold case for decades. The case from 1987 has been a mystery. August 10, 1998 Timothy Masters was charged for her murder. Timothy was released and charges were dismissed on January 22, 2008. The roles in this case were hard to follow. The prosecutor who has the role to present the state’s case against defense had to prove that Timothy’s knife collection, his drawings, failure to report seeing body, and the time frame of the crime was reasonably why he was the suspect in the murder of Peggy Hettrick. The police took several years trying to build a case and didn’t come up with much. Timothy Masters’ defense attorney, who has the job of representing the accused and to prove him innocent. They petitioned new trials due to the fact of lack of evidence. The original trial did not have the DNA and the defense attorneys had not been informed of other suspects. One of the other suspects was Richard Hammond. Richard Hammond also ha d a prior record of filming females in 1995. Hammond’s place of residence was 100 yards from the scene of murder with his bedroom facing the scene. Hammond committed suicide two days after arrest. The evidence of the prior suspect and reports from experts that said Masters was not guilty was enough for a judge to allow a new trial. The judge, who has the role to ensure justice and holds the ultimate authority and is responsible for balancing the rights of the accused and the interest of society, ruled that with all the evidence that was withheld a new trial would be allowed. The new trial found Timothy Masters not guilty and released from jail. Later the judges ruled in wrongful conviction and Timothy was granted millions. The roles of the Prosecutor were not easy in this case. The prosecutor was given old evidence that really had no concrete. The police had only a knife collection, drawings, and a date of Masters Mother’s death to build a case on. Masters defense attorney had the hard job of proving he was innocent. They took several years to come across a judge that would hear their case about the police withholding evidence from them. They also helped Masters get the settlement he deserved for being wrongfully accused. The judge had to rule that the case could be heard and all the evidence to be consi dered. After the new trial with DNA the judged ruled Master’s innocent.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Similar Motifs Between Wuthering Heights And Hamlet English Literature Essay
The human head is comprised of a myriad of personalities, emotions, and provinces, all of which greatly influence the manner we act. Many writers now explore these deep crevasses of the human mind, and show their overpowering power over others, changing the natural class of life greatly. Two such literary plants that investigate mental power are Hamlet and Wuthering Heights. William Shakespeare ‘s and Emily Bronte ‘s texts both have comparatively similar motives, the most outstanding of which are the suppression of young person, fury, and retaliation. The suppression of young person by their higher-ups can be seen in both transitions. Hamlet is usurped by his intriguing uncle Claudius, who stepped in to take the throne, even though it truly belonged to the immature prince. When Young Fortinbras of Norway was repressed by his uncle, who had besides taken the throne rightful to him, his uncle clearly had power over him, as Claudius announces, â€Å" we have here writ / to Norway, uncle of immature Fortinbras / – Who, impotent and bedrid, barely hears / Of this his nephew ‘s purpose – to supress / His farther pace herein †( Shakespeare I.ii.27-31 ) . Claudius believes that the uncle does hold formidable power over Fortinbras and has the ability to discontinue his mobilisation of military personnels, if it be directed at Denmark. After the passing of Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became the proprietor of the Heights, and the caput of the household. He decided to suppress Heathcliff, as he resented him, and decline him rights to basic demands, such as an instruction with the minister of religion. Much later, Heathcliff felt that because he was abused and mistreated by Hindley old ages ago, it is his right to squelch Hareton, his lone kid. This was all before Hindley ‘s passing. Alternatively of handling Hareton decently, as the nephew he is, Heathcliff oppresses Hareton, and treats him more like a retainer than a close relation. Legally, the Heights should ‘ve been inherited by Hareton, but Heathcliff had intervened and took over it by force. â€Å" In that mode Hareton, who should now be the first gentleman in the vicinity, was reduced to a province of complete dependance on his male parent ‘s inveterate enemy †( Bronte 183 ) . Heathcliff had interfered with Hareton ‘s legal rights, and in making so, took over Wuthering Heights, and finally Thrushcross Grange every bit good. Oppression can frequently spur choler in the victim taking to ruinous consequences. Fury has led to many jobs in both novels, oftentimes which have black consequences. Two characters that have extended choler direction jobs are Hamlet, and Heathcliff. Throughout the novel, Heathcliff ‘s fury seems to hold been spurred on from his early childhood, due to Hindley ‘s relentless maltreatment. This changeless mistreatment had compounded over the old ages, and finally, Heathcliff had become a cruel, barbarian animal towards the terminal of his life. The same can be said for immature Hamlet, in his self-titled drama. From the beginning, he is portrayed as a meek young person, merely mourning his male parent ‘s decease. Subsequent being informed of his male parent ‘s slaying by agencies of his uncle, Hamlet ‘s sense of force additions with every passing scene. Similar to a scene from Shakespeare ‘s ain Macbeth, Hamlet name upon greater powers to do him go more violent: â€Å" Now could I imbibe hot blood, / And make such bitter concern o n this twenty-four hours / Would quiver to look on. / Let me be cruel, non unnatural / I will talk stickers to her, but use none †( Shakespeare III.iii.374-6, 379, 380 ) . Here, his morality immensely changes from more inactive to more barbarous. This fury is exhaustively released through that concluding ‘friendly ‘ affaire d'honneur with Laertes, which culminates in the deceases of Hamlet, Laertes, and the King and Queen. A similar thought can be traced to Heathcliff ‘s life, where shortly after his lover Catherine had passed off, he had begun to turn more aggressive. Most of this choler was channelled towards Hareton, the lone kid he could mistreat as requital towards Hindley. The staying mistake had fallen onto younger Cathy, who Heathcliff had punished after she had become his captive. Even towards the terminal of his life, Heathcliff ‘s fury had dominated a bulk of his life style. His rage and force was curbed by cipher, non even his married woman , Isabella Linton. Out of choler, Heathcliff exclaims, â€Å" I have no commiseration! I have no commiseration! The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to oppress out their visceras! It ‘s a moral dentition ; and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the addition in hurting †( Bronte 150 ) . His pitilessness finally leads to his bend to insanity, and finally, his ain decease. Fury is seen in both the drama and novel, in both of which lead to decease. This fury can construct up over clip, and culminate as being expressed in the signifier of retribution. The most common and strongest motive shared between these two texts is the impression of retaliation ; retaliation that oftentimes leads to decease. In Shakespeare ‘s drama, the shade of his male parent demands that Hamlet exact retaliation on his uncle, who had killed his male parent. â€Å" If 1000 didst of all time thy dear father love – / Revenge his most disgusting and unnatural slaying. †( Shakespeare I.v.23, 25 ) Claudius has committed the ultimate wickedness, one found in the Bible: the slaying of Abel via his brother Cain. Hamlet believes that although his male parent ‘s decease should be avenged, it would be foolish to slay the King, supplying merely the absurd ground that ‘a shade told him to ‘ . The full drama is centered on immature Hamlet plotting his retaliation against Claudius, and continually wavering in carry throughing his male parent ‘s ghostly, profound bids. His retaliation is eventually enacted on the King when Haml et ‘s inevitable and sudden decease is realized, and he takes action and finalizes the class of action. Laertes, the late Polonius ‘ eldest, desires to seek retaliation against Hamlet, for he had by chance murder his male parent, and drove his sister, Ophelia, mad. Laertes ‘ purpose to kill Hamlet during their baronial swordfight gives rise to flush his ain death, as Hamlet picks up his poison-tipped blade and scratches him with it every bit good. Upon hearing of Claudius ‘ immorality secret plan to extinguish him, Hamlet takes affairs into his ain custodies and eventually executes his uncle, as his ghostly male parent had commanded. Heathcliff kept many scores throughout his old ages. The initial disturbance comes from Hindley ‘s changeless maltreatment of Heathcliff as a kid. This emotionally upsets him, although he keeps it bottled up until he returns from his three-year absence, to extort retaliation on his bedraggled brother. â€Å" Afterwards set tle my mark with Hindley ; and so forestall the jurisprudence by making executing on myself †( Bronte 97 ) . Once he has taken over the Highs, and efficaciously the full Earnshaw household, he feels as though he has dealt with the state of affairs. Edgar and Isabella Linton had both made rude comments about Heathcliff ‘s race, being the lone dark adult male for stat mis. He had kept these verbal assaults in his head for a piece, until he had the power to extort retaliation upon them. Catherine betrays Heathcliff by get marrieding Edgar Linton. This greatly cholers Heathcliff, and alternatively of harming his true love Catherine, he decides to take his choler out on Isabella Linton, Edgar ‘s sister. After Isabella and Edgar Linton dice, Heathcliff still does non experience satisfied with his retribution. He so continues to demand retaliation on his ugly brother ‘s boy, Hareton. But even so, his choler is fuelled by his lover Catherine ‘s decease. After his boy, Linton, is forced to get married immature Cathy, Heathcliff unleashes more choler on her, by insulating her from society in her room. At around this clip, he feels as though he has achieved his ain Eden. â€Å" My old enemies have non beaten me ; now would be the precise clip to avenge myself on their representatives – I could make it, and none could impede me. But where is the usage? I do n't care for contact, I ca n't take the problem to raise my manus! †( Bronte 306 ) . Heathcliff feels as though he had the opportunity now to demand retaliation on more people who had angered him throughout the old ages, but finds no usage to it. His life is approaching to an terminal, and this retribution would be ineffectual. Finally, one time Heathcliff had breathed his last and his retaliation had all been exhausted, the falling action begins. Retaliation throughout both literary plants lead to the deceases of legion characters, including Hamlet, Laertes, Claudius, Gert rude, Hindley, Isabella, Edgar, and Linton. The subjects of the suppression of young person, fury, and retaliation have profound effects in Hamlet and Wuthering Heights, both of which cause legion deceases. Hamlet and immature Fortinbras are suppressed by their uncles, while Heathcliff does most of the subjugation against his unsought relations. This spurs fury in Hamlet, whilst Heathcliff ‘s fury increased exponentially throughout the novel. These furies lead to avenge against other household members ; Heathcliff against the young person of the novel, and Hamlet against his King and female parent. Both these texts portion these common subjects, which strengthen the secret plan as a whole, and increase the suspense and machination of the reader, doing them instant literature classics.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity Essay
Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity - Essay Example Its corrosion resistance nature and ability to be shaped easily makes it a perfect material for roofing materials and drink cans (Kaushish, 2010). On the other hand, its low-density nature makes it effective for making window frames and building greenhouses. Aluminum is also a good heat conductor. This aspect makes it perfect for making cookware, cookers and boilers. Additionally, aluminum is mostly used as overhead power cables due to its good conduction of electricity (International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures & Lau, 2011). Lastly, the high reflectivity nature makes aluminum ideal for making reflectors, mirrors and firefighting. There are two sources of aluminum namely bauxite and recycling. In this case, bauxite remains the most common material that is mostly used in producing virgin aluminum (Prashad, 2006). Common bauxite-producing nations include Guinea, Australia, Brazil, China and Jamaica. Australia tends to produce at least 2.5 times of bauxite than other nations. Recycling also remains an important aluminum source. Alumina prices tend to influence its demand and supply. Additionally, the electricity prices influences its demand and supply (Kaushish, 2010). China remains the biggest aluminum importers in the market. Aluminum supply and demand in China depends on consumer preferences in the product. Common factors affecting aluminum price elasticity include number of substitute’s products, switching costs between products, strength of the product, time allowed after change in prices and consumer’s income percentage that is allocated to the product expenditure (Schmitz, Domagala, & Haag, 2006). An alternative for aluminum is the magnesium alloys. In this case, magnesium has the potential of meeting its current demands for reliable and lighter construction. Magnesium is a perfect alternative since they have comparable specific stiffness (Prashad, 2006). They also have higher energy consumption and specific strengths, which enable
Friday, September 27, 2019
Macroecenomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Macroecenomics - Assignment Example The graph below shows some variations in the level of exports and imports made by the UK for the period of 1993 to 1998. The same trade and production pattern is observed when it comes to France, though both import and export levels for France are lower as compared to the UK. The major products exported by France are planes, helicopters, and spacecraft and vehicle parts. The major products imported by France are rude petroleum, refined petroleum and packed medicaments. The graph below shows the variations in the levels of imports and exports produced by France between the periods of 1985 to 2005. The same case of an increase in both level of exports and imports have been experienced in USA since 1973. This is due to the general increase in the level of demand as well as the GDP, increase in the level of imports so as to sustain the industrial growth and demand. Some of the major products exported by the Unites States are cars, refined petroleum and gas turbines while imports include cars, computers and broadcasting equipments. The graph below shows the variations of the sea foods imports and exports produced by the United States between the periods of 1997 and 2007. Between the periods of the year 1975 to 2013, the United States of America have an average GDP of $ 6145.56 billion. Since then it has had an average exports products of $1769.76 billion and imports products of $117.6 billion. We have observed a lower degree in the openness of the USA with respect to the United Kingdom and France since it some peculiar commercial policies. Unlike in the UK and France, the total amount US’s GDP is contributed less by its imports and exports. This lowers its market degree of openness as compared to the others. The inflation rate between 2013 and 2014 will be given by the slope of my graph, it will be given by: (2.4-2.2)/ (3.5-3.6)=0.2/-0.1=-0.2, meaning that in this
Thursday, September 26, 2019
American History - 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
American History - 7 - Essay Example The United States in World War 1 The Great War began in August 1914 Both Allies and Central powers expected quick victory Weapons had changed drastically from the Napoleonic war But the tactics remained largely the same Combat on the Western Front evolved into trench warfare Casualties in a single battle often numbered into hundreds of thousands President Wilson tried to maintain a policy of neutrality The war transformed the American society as the government grew Wartime labor shortage increased opportunities for everyone 3. Wartime propaganda Posters were used to spread war propaganda They propagandized the war for a number of purposes The purposes were both general and specific They were used mainly To rebut opposition messages To encourage the purchase of government bonds To ensure compliance with various wartime programs The programs also included food conservation To create support for the warfront They were put in public places 4. The Wartime Industries Board Was central to m anagement of industries during war time Curtailment plans were carried out by agreement Conservation schedules were made by the board Savings in the agricultural implement industry were the most affected Motor vehicles and textile industries were also affected The practices were later seen as costing the consumer more without enriching the producers Lessons were learnt that could be applied to peace time The problem was mainly bringing adjustment of the industrial process Demand was made for vigorous enforcement of all proper measures for suppression of unfair competition Policies for curbing vicious practices were to be supplemented with positive programs 5. Woman Suffrage Brought forward the concept that it was politics that made America the cradle of democracy Also shows the slow nature that women took to assume equal rights Men believed what they wanted to believe that women did not desire votes In 1916, 38000 women signed petitions to the electors asking for votes There were mo re women who wanted to vote than there were men willing to grant them the privilege Lax election laws and methods often opened doors for corruption The alleged rejection of suffrage became an indication of an adverse public sentiment Party suffrage endorsement was won after forty eight years of unceasing effort Women fought one of the bravest, strongest battles for the purpose of enfranchisement The inaction of the public gave a mandate for further political evasion of the question Part Two: Essays After reading the chapters, write three essay/discussion questions: 1. Explain the course of World War one 2. What was to be the basis of a German-Mexican alliance? 3. What lessons for postwar America did Baruch play in the operations of the WIB? From the above list, respond to one of the above questions: 1. Explain the course of World War one The First World War began in August 1914, both the Allies and the Central Powers expected Victory within a matter of weeks, but the war would go on for four years, claiming 10 million lives. In the Napoleonic Wars a century before, opposing armies had fired at one another with muskets across an open field.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The benefits of using the Smart Phones Assignment
The benefits of using the Smart Phones - Assignment Example In addition, the report has some visual effects that would enable the audience to clearly understand its content. Abstract The use of smartphones is the latest world trend with people of different ages opting to adopt the use of these gadgets in their everyday lives. This is because smart phones assist in informal learning, distance learning, increase quality and efficiency in health care, increase voter participations in elections, and also increased professional engagement in work. However, the use of smart phones has some disadvantages such as reduced social life and access to obscene adult content from the internet by teenagers. In general, the use of smart phones has played an important role in making the world a better and comfortable place to leave in. Benefits of Using Smartphones 1. Introduction Mobile phones and smartphones are both used with the primary function of being able to make and receive phone calls and send and receive text messages, but the smartphone has certain qualities that distinguish it from any usual mobile phones. Smartphones have additional features such as online gaming, online video watching, route tracking, GPS system and several other added features, which differentiate it from other usual mobile phones and, are more preferred than mobile phones. ... The research center further figured out that there are various benefits that can be obtained through smartphones, and these benefits are the primary reason for the high demand of smartphones in the US. Smartphones are not limited to the access of adults; they are even owned and used by several teenagers and the younger generation. Smartphones have gained immense popularity among the youth population because of the several benefits offered by these phones. On one end are those who propose that smartphones are a smart invention and are assisting the society in several ways; on the other end are those who are against the use of smartphones due to various negative effects associated with these phones. This writing will focus on the argument of whether the smartphones are beneficial for the society or not while defending the stance that smartphones have several more benefits to offer than costs. The writing will especially focus on the benefits offered by smartphones to both the adult as well as the youth population. Smartphones benefit both the adults and the youth in obtaining both formal as well as informal educations. They have become a major tool of in distance learning. They are used by users to satisfy their personal need, helps employees in remaining involved with their businesses, are assisting in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of health care services, and are elevating the quality of health care, and can even help in increasing voter turnout during different elections. 2. Background The development of Smart phones evolved from the traditional mobile phones. Though both of them perform nearly the same functions, the Smart phones are
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Education - Diversity and Inclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Education - Diversity and Inclusion - Essay Example It will also influence how different stakeholders – parents, teachers, students, administrators, and central office personnel – act and are held accountable. Culture describes the things people create to help them live effectively in their world: language, gestures, tools, rituals, ceremonies, and music are good examples. So are art, music, and fashion. By developing these things in unique ways, people and groups create cultures and cultural identity (Queensland Government, 2008). Multicultural education seeks to reconcile the good things about cultural identity (unity, history, protocol, mutuality of goals) with the sometimes bad things about cultural identity (fear of different groups, resultant hostility, violence, and other poor treatment). Banks and Banks (1995) explain that multicultural education wants to provide a level field of opportunity for all students, from all racial, ethnic, social, and cultural backgrounds. It recognizes and embraces a pluralistic society, and teaches students skills they need to operate effectively in such a society. It recognizes groups that have been marginalized in the past, and challenges established ideas, theories, and content from traditional disciplines. Multicultural education can help address cultural differences and biases in our schools. This is because of its far scope: Gomez (1991) calls multicultural education â€Å"a perspective rather than a curriculum.†He implores teachers to consider students’ cultural backgrounds and to explore and refine their own thinking about cultural groups. Gomez suggests helping school members learn to identify when someone from a cultural group is being victimized because of their membership there. Enhancing the self-concept of members of cultural groups is important. Members of these groups must believe that cultural differences do not make them less valuable as members of the school community (Gomez, 1991). Also, attempts must be
Monday, September 23, 2019
The relationship between Taipei National Palace Museum and Beijing Essay
The relationship between Taipei National Palace Museum and Beijing Palace Museum - Essay Example Earlier Taipei had been retained as the island’s capital by the Japanese after they acquired Taiwan. This took place after the first Sino- Japanese war in 1895. In addition, the Japanese also conducted a widespread urban planning that was perceived to be advanced. However, in 1945, following the surrender of the Japanese, the island was taken over by the republic of China. The ruling Kuomintang was forced to resettled the government of republic of China in Taiwan and they later made a declaration that its provisional capital was Taipei. All took place when the Chinese communist party took over the mainland china during the Chinese civil war (Cuno, 132). The art museum located in Taipei is known to be a national palace museum. The national museum belongs to the republic of china (Taiwan) and is perceived to be one of the largest worldwide because it consists of several permanent collections. The national palace museum is mainly a gallery and museum of art with the central colle ction being various artifacts from the ancient China. The museum should not be confused with the Beijing palace museum. The two have similarities in that they both trace their ancestry to one institution. The division occurred in 1940 when the Chinese civil war erupted. Today, Taipei national palace museum boasts to be an organization in possession of collection perceived to be truly international. The museum is in possession of leading artifacts collections worldwide derived from the ancient china. The cultural artifacts collection found in Taipei national palace museum consists of several precious pieces. The collection include different pieces of Chinese artifacts and artworks that are ancient, and covers several years in the history of china mainly from the Neolithic age up to the late Qing dynasty. Most of the objects were mainly obtained from different places including the Song, Yuan, Ming and the Qing dynasties. The museum development in Taipei is mostly associated with conte mporary china’s social changes. Puyi who was the last emperor in the Qing dynasty was sent away from the Forbidden City and it is estimated that this took place thirteen years after the republic of china had been established. The national palace museum was established from the cultural artifacts left behind in the palaces. Most articles mainly consisted of former imperial family’s valuables. They were mainly put together by the ancient emperors of china and the pieces are of high quality. Both the national palace museum best known as Taipei and the Beijing palace museum situated in the people’s republic of china inside the Forbidden City share similar original ancestry. The separation of the two was as a result of civil war in China. The Forbidden City right from the Ming dynasty up to the end of the Qing dynasty remained the imperial palace in China. It is located in the mid of Beijing in China and holds the palace museum. It has served as emperors and their ho useholds homes for several years in the past. In addition it has also served as the center for all kinds of ceremonies and politics in the government of China. Since 1925 the palace museum has remain in charge of the Forbidden City. This museum extensive collection of art consists of those from the Ming and the Qing dynasties. Some of the former collection of the museum is currently found in Taipei national palace museum. The two have several things in common including the fact that they descended from one
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Leadership & Change Management Essay Example for Free
Leadership Change Management Essay Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Transactional leadership can be described as keeping the ship afloat. Transactional leaders use disciplinary power and an array of incentives to motivate employees to perform at their best. The term transactional refers to the fact that this type of leader essentially motivates subordinates by exchanging rewards for performance. A transactional leader generally does not look ahead in strategically guiding an organization to a position of market leadership; instead, these managers are solely concerned with making sure everything flows smoothly today. Transactional leadership motivates followers by setting up social or financial transactions that persuade them to act. For example, a transactional leader might offer bonuses to her sales staff for exceeding quotas. The bonus is a form of financial transaction. Transactional leadership often is set in opposition to transformational leadership, which is a leadership style that relies on convincing followers that a particular vision of what the organization can achieve is worth working toward. Transformational leadership A transformational leader goes beyond managing day-to-day operations and crafts strategies for taking his company, department or work team to the next level of performance and success. Transformational leadership styles focus on team-building, motivation and collaboration with employees at different levels of an organization to accomplish change for the better. Transformational leaders set goals and incentives to push their subordinates to higher performance levels, while providing opportunities for personal and professional growth for each employee. Transformational leadership might sound preferable because the leader doesn’t cynically harness the self-interest of her followers, as the transactional leader does. But there’s a problem. A transformational leader might not be forthright with her followers. For example, a business owner might motivate her workforce with stirring speeches about the nobility of hard work, while her real aim is to increase production for personal gain. This type of transformational leader might be called inauthentic. Advantages Both leadership styles are needed for guiding an organization to success. Transactional leaders provide distinct advantages through their abilities to address small operational details quickly. Transactional leaders handle all the details that come together to build a strong reputation in the marketplace, while keeping employees productive on the front line. Transformational leadership styles are crucial to the strategic development of a small business. Small businesses with transformational leaders at the helm shoot for ambitious goals, and can they achieve rapid success through the vision and team-building skills of the leader. Applications Different management styles are best suited to different situations. When it comes to front-line supervisors of minimum-wage employees, for example a transactional leadership style can be more effective. Shift supervisors at a fast food restaurant will be much more effective if they are concerned with ensuring all of the various stations run smoothly, rather than spending their time thinking up better ways to serve hamburgers. On the other hand, CEOs or sales managers can be more effective if they are transformational leaders. Executive managers need the ability to design and communicate grand strategic missions, passing the missions down to transactional leaders for implementation of the details. Organizations emphasize the concept of leadership in training managers or group leaders to propel a team or the organization forward. Within leadership, the effectiveness of the transformational versus transactional leader is often debated. Transactional leadership relies more on a give and take understanding, whereby subordinates have a sense of duty to the leader in exchange for some reward. Transformational leadership, on the other hand, involves a committed relationship between the leader and his followers. In 1985, industrial psychologist Bernard Bass identified and wrote about four basic elements that underlie transformational leadership. Idealized Influence Transformational leaders act as role models and display a charismatic personality that influences others to want to become more like the leader. Idealized influence can be most expressed through a transformational leaders willingness to take risks and follow a core set of values, convictions and ethical principles in the actions he takes. It is through this concept of idealized influence that the leader builds trust with his followers and the followers, in turn, develop confidence in their leader. Inspirational Motivation Inspirational motivation refers to the leaders ability to inspire confidence, motivation and a sense of purpose in his followers. The transformational leader must articulate a clear vision for the future, communicate expectations of the group and demonstrate a commitment to the goals that have been laid out. This aspect of transformational leadership requires superb communication skills as the leader must convey his messages with precision, power and a sense of authority. Other important behaviors of the leader include his continued optimism, enthusiasm and ability to point out the positive. Intellectual Stimulation Transformational leadership values creativity and autonomy among the leaders followers. The leader supports his followers by involving them in the decision-making process and stimulating their efforts to be as creative and innovative as possible to identify solutions. To this end, the transformational leader challenges assumptions and solicits ideas from followers without criticizing. She helps change the way followers think about and frame problems and obstacles. The vision the leader conveys helps followers see the big picture and succeed in their efforts. Individualized Consideration Each follower or group member has specific needs and desires. For example, some are motivated by money while others by change and excitement. The individualized consideration element of transformational leadership recognizes these needs. The leader must be able to recognize or determine through eavesdropping or observation  what motivates each individual. Through one-on-one coaching and mentoring, the transformational leader provides opportunities for customized training sessions for each team member. These activities allow team members to grow and become fulfilled in their positions. The Benefits of Transformational Leadership Motivation A transformational leader uses her belief in the vision of the company to inspire the staff to be more productive and work towards company goals. The drive behind a transformational leader is to find ways in which she can get the entire staff on board with corporate strategy and planning. When the entire company is on the same page with the corporate vision, it can make achieving that vision easier. Planning Inspirational managers do not focus their energy solely on motivating the staff. A good transformational leader has broad visions for the companys future, and those visions can become instrumental in company planning. Whether it is refining the overall business plan or affecting individual marketing programs, the transformational manager has ideas and visions for the future of the company that he wants to share with the management team and work to turn those plans into reality. Retention The idea of transformational leadership is to reach out to each employee and bring out the best in them. An inspirational manager spends time with each employee discussing ways to make the employees job easier, and helping to create plans for developing the employees career. This individual attention that is offered by transformational leaders helps to create a strong bond between the manager and his employees that will reduce employee turnover. Growth A manager that is not intimately involved in the growth of the company and the development of her staff can start to struggle with managing her department as the company grows. A transformational leader is constantly involved with the growth of the company and the ongoing development of employees. As the company grows, the transformational leader maintains that close contact to the company and employees and can make the process of growing a more involved experience for new and veteran employees.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Money Is the Root of Evil Essay Example for Free
Money Is the Root of Evil Essay Money is the root of evil It could be said that money is one of the greatest inventions of mankind, which affects and changes wide and deep whole human society. It occurred when people had demand to exchange merchandise. Together with the process of development of society, money changed from too simple to complex and sophisticated forms to meet people’s needs in settlement. In its dawn, money was very simple things such as shells, fur and salt etc. When metal was discovered; iron, bronze, silver and gold were used in turn as the role of money. And now, we can use coins, note, card, and check and letter of credit etc. to buy goods in supermarket, pay water, electricity bills or even to settle imports. Money – even of its forms – this is a general parity object, does the role as means in settlement of merchandise and services. Doing the role of intermediary instrument in settlement, money contributes to the development of human society quickly in two aspects: economy and culture. As we know, money made exchange of goods more quickly and conveniently than any direct exchange way; since then trading industry came out into society and developed. In cultural aspect, the most typical features of an ethnic group or a nation will be chosen to make signs on money so by regarding money; we can see the basic features of an ethnic group or a nation. Specially, in our global time, money can be moved very easily between almost nations, it makes cultural exchange more advantageous. How do people think about money? There is a truth that many people value money too high, they think money is all and believe that â€Å"money is a passport to anything†. So they can do anything, even immoral and illegal things in order to have money. Robbers are ready to kill others cruelly for some tens of thousands of dong. Traders are ready to cheat in commerce to appropriate more money. Officials, who have large power and influence on society, themselves trample on their honor, others’ interests, their nation’s future etc. to take dirty money. With those evil acts, they make people believe that money is a cause of evil. Although there are many bad acts related to money; I always think that money couldn’t be the root of evil, money is just a victim of some people’s greed. Some people, with cruel and greedy character, did anything to have money; but is it true that their purpose is only about money? No, I don’t think so. I believe that their last aim is about things money can bring to them. So the deep reason of evil in society is cruelty and greed. It means people must bear full responsibility for their evil and they can’t blame anyone or anything. Until now, money is just a means in settlement.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Battered Women Syndrome
Battered Women Syndrome BATTERED WOMENS SYNDROME: FICTION OR REALITY. Introduction To understand battered womans syndrome one has to know why and how one becomes a â€Å"battered woman.†For a woman to be labeled battered woman has to undergo two complete battering cycles which has three different stages. The stages begins with tension-building, followed by explosion which also known as acute battering incident and then culminating in a calm, loving interval which is known as the honeymoon stage. Battered woman stays in insulting relationship because women are resistant during honeymoon stage and they tend to be peacekeepers in a relationship and they are responsible for marriage work, unfavorable economic costs and its more dangerous to leave than staying before threats by batterer to kill her or the children and this result to psychological paralysis. According to Tennant, 2001 battered woman syndrome is a psychological and behavioral pattern which is a symptom in those women living in rough treatment relationships. There are various characteristics of the syndrome such as woman believing that it was her fault for the violence to happen, she is unable to put the responsibility of the violence elsewhere, she fears for her life and for her childrens and she has an illogical belief that, the abuser is omniscient and omnipresent. This syndrome can be more of a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder rather than being just a mental illness (Tennant). Most women who experience domestic violence suffer from battered women syndrome and they have to undergo two cycles; cycle of abusive which involves repeated abuse which can be either generational or episodic whereby generational is passed down by exposure from parents to children and episodic is a repeated pattern in which two people in the family are involved either child abuse, spousal abuse or elder abuse. (McMahon, 23) ODonovan, 1991 stated that, stages for battered woman syndrome includes; Denial stage which occurs when a woman denies to her or to others that there is a problem, they have excuses why their partners have an abusive happenings and they generally believe the abusiveness will happen again. Stage two is guilt and the woman acknowledges that in their relationship there is a problem and recognizes she is an abuse victim and she blames herself for the incidents and she begins to question her character and she will try to live up with her partner. Stage three is enlightenment, this begins when the woman begins to understand that no one deserves a beat and the beatings she receives are not necessary and then comes to realize that her partner has a problem and she then stays in the relationship with future hopes for a change. Stage four comes when the woman realizes that her abuser has a fixable problem and she realizes that there is nothing they can do to assist him and then she decides to take another step of leaving the spouse and starts a new live. (ODonovan, 219) US Department of Justice, 1996 outlined that, there have been a battered women defense which is a legal defense for the assaulted or murdered people who was suffering from battered person syndrome and the defense is invoked by women. Battered women syndrome is as a result of legal advocacy and it owes the existence of legal advocates needs to support and rationalize claims from the battered women. Battered women syndrome has been used in a diverse assorted cases ranging from ideal self-defense case to the more narrative prosecutorial syndrome use. Courts use the relevance of the syndrome to back up honesty of womens belief in use of deadly force for her mental incapacity for establishment of a necessary mental objective. Battered women syndrome has been employed in criminal cases and experts have to qualify to testify about the syndrome. (US Department of Justice) According to McMahon, 1999 battered women syndrome has been misunderstood even by legal expertise and its not a legal defense but its effects and expert testimony are employed in getting legal system to assist judges understand the experience of a battered woman. Some beliefs show that, battered women syndrome is a fact and others show is a fiction and the fact ones are powerful for they influence the way a battered woman, family and friends encounter and the general public respond to the various instances of battering (McMahon, 25). Battered women syndrome fiction beliefs that, battered women hate and they have to learn that not all men are bad but according to the fact they dont hate men they hate being battered. Mans home is his castle and it shouldnt be interfered with but the fact is battery is an offense and no one has the right to beat or abuse another. Womans beating comes as a result of provoking or nagging her spouse but the fact remains that, people are beaten for a reason and people have no right to violently express their anger. A person still stays with her abuser even after being battered likes being beaten. Beating hurts and no one is fond of being beaten but a woman may decide to continues staying with her abuser due to the fear of further violence, because of religious reasons, financial hardships, emotional attachments and family beliefs that they should stay together. (McMahon, 26) In addition, there has been a fiction that upper and middle class women dont often experience battering like poor women but the fact is that, domestic violence can happen in any socio-economic levels for the rich women are accessible to resources and the poor women make use of the community agencies and they are more visible. Once a battered woman, always a battered woman, this is false belief which has been with people but the fact is that, whereas some battered women have been in one or more abusive relationship, those women who experience domestic violence are least likely to enter to another abusive relationship. Battered women syndrome claims that, battered women have psychological trauma and they are responsible for the violence and men and women should be all accountable for their violence actions. (McMahon, 30) According to ODonovan, 1991 lawyers and judges are indebted to become better consumers of knowledge because battered women syndrome have been originally put in place of disappointment, aggravation, and sometimes anger over domestic violence. Domestic violence worldwide is very real, and an epidemic extent according to reports. Battered women syndrome has been a psychological-styled diagnosis whereby its a womans ill health provoked by husbands battering and the defense for the syndrome now spins around her ironically alleged helplessness and mental deficiency. Battered women syndrome lacks a scientific and reliable technical base and this make it to fall under disuse. (ODonovan, 225) In todays world many women are beaten by their spouse or boyfriends and several violent cases have been reported. Battery causes injuries to women more than even rape, because many miscarriages happen as a result of battery than medical situations and many women die from battery. The battering effects vary and the psychological impact is defined using a general symptoms and women who are battered react differently to violence and these responses may be emotional through fear, sadness and anger, beliefs and attitude changes towards others and they have psychological dysfunction or distress. Womens response to battery is based on violence and abuse, context and environment in which the woman should respond and heal from and who is the battery victim. (Tennant) As argued by McMahon, 1999 women with battered women syndrome are viewed as flawed, disordered, damaged or abnormal in a way. Despite the fact that many battered victims have negative impacts from the act, the syndrome language makes women battered syndrome in a pathology. Medical conditions of battered victims are not gender specific like the law which is bias in self-defense. Domestic violence results to physical abuse and the depressed is not able to take independent measures which enables him/her to escape the violence. This is the reason why many people doesnt seek assistance, leave the abuser or fight the abuser but they can use force to protect themselves and they may end up killing their abuser due to the life threatening situations and the abusiveness. Conclusion Battered women syndrome is considered as a form of post traumatic stress disorder which is recognized as a psychological condition which describes a constant domestic violence victim and for one to be categorized as battered has to undergo through two cycles and the stages of the syndrome. Battered women syndrome is a fact for many have experienced it through domestic violence and even the law has dealt with such cases. Works Cited McMahon, Mark, â€Å"Battered Women and Bad Science: The Limited Validity and Utility of Battered Woman Syndrome.†Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, Vol.6, No. 1, pp. 23-49, 1999 ODonovan, Katherine, â€Å"Defense for Battered Women Who Kill,†Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 219-240, summer, 1991 Tennant, Robert, Battered Womens Syndrome, 2001 US Department of Justice, The Validity and use of Evidence Concerning Battering and Its Effects in Criminal Trials: Report Responding to Section 40507 of the Violence Against Women Act, May, 1996
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Topology :: Math Mathmatics
Topology Topology is a modern branch of geometry. It has been called qualitative geometry because instead of thinking about the traditional characteristics of an object (like angles, length, etc.), topologists study features that can’t be altered by stretching, twisting or shrinking the object. After any alteration all points in the object that were connected must still be connected and all points separated by a hole must remain separated. Topology also attempts to explain objects that cannot exist in three dimensions using mathematical equations, since it is nearly impossible to imagine such objects within our frame of reference. The dimension of an object can be thought of in two ways: intrinsic and extrinsic. The perception of a â€Å"creature†occupying, say a line, is one-dimensional, since he can only move in one dimension. However, we draw a line on a plane, so extrinsically it is two-dimensional (1). So how do objects occupying the same dimension diff er topologically? A doughnut shaped object, called a torus, and a sphere are topologically different. Both of these objects are extrinsically two-dimensional, since we only deal with the surfaces of the object. There is no â€Å"inside.†The reason for the topological difference is the hole in the middle of the torus. No permitted alterations (stretching, twisting, shrinking) can be made to the sphere that will transform into a torus. Topology emerged out of Euler’s work on graph theory in the early 1700’s. Leonhard Euler was born on April 15, 1707 in Switzerland. His father was a minister and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. He sent his son to the University of Basel in 1720, when Leonhard was only 14. It was here that his interest and natural capabilities in mathematics really began to show. After completing his studies and showing very promising mathematical talent, Euler moved to St. Petersburg, Russia to teach mathematics, at the age of only 19. He remained in Russia for several years (4). And it was here that he made contributions to mathematics that would later be seen as the first steps towards topology. Graph theory studies how points are connected without giving any regard to the distance between them or the actual shape of the line connecting them.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Extreme Advertising: Go Big or Go Home :: BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursework
Extreme Advertising: Go Big or Go Home This Maxim climbing gear ad is an example of using both aggressive language and images to promote climbing as an extreme sport. North Face uses this image in their web page. If you wear North Face gear, you too can take your ice axes and back-counrty skis into the Tibetan wilderness. Adidas uses this image in their trail running ads. The caption in the image reads "Runners. Yeah, We're Different." It invites people to relate to some of the more intimate details of a separate subculture. Intro Advertisements of outdoor gear tell us we live in an extreme world today. No longer do we go out mountain biking or skiing, they tell us. We need to go big, risking our lives to promote an image of ourselves as one who can push the edge of the envelope by extreme mountain biking and extreme skiing. NorthFace, a high-end outdoor clothing company started this language in the 1970s in its advertising of ski apparel. Now, most every sport has gone extreme. To advertise this new image, companies have attempted to use a variety of techniques that separate themselves from the rest of the crowd. They include: --Creating an Extreme Image to a Wide-Based Consumer Audience: Boulder Gear and North Face. --Advertising to a Young, Aggressive Group Obsessed with Speed: Manastash and an ad inside APEX Magazine --Creating an Insider Feeling of the Extreme...with a Dash of Playfulness: Nike and Adidas Extremism as an image has come to include outdoor activities such as kayaking, skiing, climbing, mountain biking, windsurfing and a host of other mainstream outdoor activities. It has also brought about a variety of subcategories as well. Sky diving now has six new disciplines, including sky surfing, free flying and free style-an aerial ballet. There às even an extreme version of the extreme sport of sky diving called BASE jumping (BASE=Bridge, Aerial, Structure, Earth) in which participants jump from low-lying structures and open their chute with only seconds separating them between an extreme experience and death (Heath 1997: p4). Sports are not the only aspect of extreme though. The language has seeped into our everyday vocabulary to the point that we can not do anything without having the possibility of doing it extreme. Bill Gates speaks of extreme programming, and there às extreme golf in which participants play golf around unused summer ski resorts. Books of extreme adve nture have been popularized by John Krauker's Into Thin Air.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Double-crest Cormorant
The Double-crest Cormorant is more or less uniformly distributed throughout the country. It is seen in temperate climates with most concentrated in the upper half of the United States. Judging from the map, they seem to be attracted to heavily wooded areas such as northern California and Oregon, the Dakota’s in the Midwest and northern New England. The exception to this is the relatively concentrated population in south east Florida. Because of their seeming desire for temperate wooded areas, I would say that this bird is a specialist. Great Blue Heron The Great Blue Heron is definitely a generalist.It is spread all throughout the country with heavy concentrations mostly in the southern part of the United States. It seems as though it does best in the Midwestern and southern parts of the country but also has significant populations in the desert areas of Arizona and New Mexico and the harsh winter climates of the most northern parts of the country. Wood Stork The Wood Stork is definitely a specialist. Its populations are seen exclusively in the South and the Southeastern parts of the country with its heaviest populations in Florida and more so in south Florida.It seems to do best in hot climates with high humidity and is never seen any further North than Tennessee. American Robin The American Robin is by far the most populous bird in this group. It is seen in nearly ever state in the country, with the exceptions being Florida and much of Texas, making it a generalist. Its most significant populations are in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest but it is generally well distributed throughout the whole country. Work Citied â€Å"Breeding Bird Survey Summary and Analysis. †USGS Bird Population. USGS. 28 Mar. 2006 .
Monday, September 16, 2019
Guru Poornima
Hindus attach paramount importance to spiritual gurus. The Sanskrit root â€Å"Gu†means darkness or ignorance. â€Å"Ru†denotes the remover of that darkness. Therefore one who removes darkness of our ignorance is a Guru. Guru meaning enlightener or the guide from darkness into light. Gurus are often equated with God and always regarded as a link between the individual and the Immortal. Just as the moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun, and glorifies it, all disciples can dazzle like the moon by gaining from their Gurus. What is Guru Purnima? The full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashad (July-August) is observed as the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, a day sacred to the memory of the great sage Vyasa. All Hindus are indebted to this ancient saint who edited the four Vedas, wrote the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Srimad Bhagavata. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who is regarded as the Guru of Gurus. Significance of Guru Purnima On this day, all spiritual aspirants and devotees worship Vyasa in honor of his divine personage and all disciples perform a ‘puja' of their respective spiritual preceptor or ‘Gurudevs'. This day is of deep significance to the farmers, for it heralds the setting in of the much-needed rains, as the advent of cool showers usher in fresh life in the fields. It is a good time to begin your spiritual lessons. Traditionally, spiritual seekers commence to intensify their spiritual ‘sadhana' from this day. The period ‘Chaturmas' (â€Å"four months†) begins from this day. In the past, wandering spiritual masters and their disciples used to settle down at a place to study and discourse on the Brahma Sutras composed by Vyasa, and engage themselves in Vedantic discussions. The Role of the Guru Swami Sivananda asks: â€Å"Do you realize now the sacred significance and the supreme importance of the Guru's role in the evolution of man? It was not without reason that the India of the past carefully tended and kept alive the lamp of Guru-Tattva. It is therefore not without reason that India, year after year, age after age, commemorates anew this ancient concept of the Guru, adores it and pays homage to it again and again, and thereby re-affirms its belief and allegiance to it. For, the true Indian knows that he Guru is the only guarantee for the individual to transcend the bondage of sorrow and death, and experience the Consciousness of the Reality. †At the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, the Guru Purnima is celebrated every year on a grand scale. 1. All aspirants awake at Brahmamuhurta, at 4 o'clock. They meditate on the Guru and chant his prayers. 2. Later in the day, the sacred worship of the Guru's Feet is performed. Of this worship it is said in the Guru Gita: Dhyaana moolam guror murtih; Pooja moolam guror padam; Mantra moolam guror vakyam; Moksha moolam guror kripa The Guru's form should be meditated upon; the feet of the Guru should be worshipped; his words are to be treated as a sacred Mantra; his Grace ensures final liberation†. 3. Sadhus and Sannyasins are then worshipped and fed at noon. 4. There is continuous Satsang during which discourses are held on the glory of devotion to the Guru in particular, and on spiritual topics in general. 5. Deserving aspirants are initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas, as this is a highly auspicious occasion. 6. Devout disciples fast and spend the whole day in prayer. They also t ake fresh resolves for spiritual progress. The Guru's Advice Swami Sivananda recommends: â€Å"Wake up at Brahmamuhurta (at 4 a. m. ) on this most holy day. Meditate on the lotus feet of your Guru. Mentally pray to him for his Grace, through which alone you can attain Self-realisation. Do vigorous Japa and meditate in the early morning hours. â€Å"After bath, worship the lotus feet of your Guru, or his image or picture with flowers, fruits, incense and camphor. Fast or take only milk and fruits the whole day. In the afternoon, sit with other devotees of your Guru and discuss with them the glories and teachings of your Guru. Alternatively, you may observe the vow of silence and study the books or writings of your Guru, or mentally reflect upon his teachings. Take fresh resolves on this holy day, to tread the spiritual path in accordance with the precepts of your Guru. â€Å"At night, assemble again with other devotees, and sing the Names of the Lord and the glories of your Guru. The best form of worship of the Guru is to f ollow his teachings, to shine as the very embodiment of his teachings, and to propagate his glory and his message. â€Å"
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Friedman Family Assessment Essay
The Friedman Family Assessment assists the nurse in assessing a family and establishing family nursing interventions. This tool allows the community nurse to assess the family system as a whole, as part of the whole society, and as an interaction system (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). This paper will review a family that consists of a mother, stepfather, and adopted son. Identifying Data and Composition see more:welcome speech for annual function The family name, address, and phone number is not disclosed in this paper in-order to protect the family’s identity. The mother CD, who is 44, stepfather PD, who is 55 and her adopted son KD, who is 10 live in the home. The family form is a low middle-class income family of three and the son’s adopted father is still in the picture and has joint custody. CD and PD have been married only three years. They are Caucasian and speak the English language. CD is not aware of her ethnic background because she was adopted. PD has a French descent. KD has an Asian descent. CD was previously married for 22 years. CD and her x-husband adopted KD at birth. This is PD first marriage. The family religious affiliation is Baptists; they are members at a church two miles away from the home. CD is very involved in their church attending services every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. They live in a singlewide two bedrooms mobile approximately 25 years-of-age and station in a small c ommunity trailer park on the outskirts of town. The mobile home is completely paid for and solely owned by CD. CD makes a living as a unit clerk at a local nursing home and is the breadwinner of the household. She also sells jewelry on the side. PD makes a living at a manufacturer plant that makes engines for lawn mowers, approximately 20 miles from home. Their eating, dressing, and health views are typically of a low middle-class household. CD lives week-by-week on her paycheck, and she pays for everything accepts the park rent. PD is only responsible to pay the park rent with his paycheck. The household income is not a combined income to help share the responsibility. CD states, she does not know what PD does with his money. The family eats together usually at breakfast and dinner only but in front of the television. They try to eat healthy but sometimes with their busy schedule, they eat out more than they eat in. Both CD and PD states, they do not drink or smoke and believe that they are in good health, but believes they ha ve a weight problem. CD currently weighs 250 lbs. and is 66 inches; she has a body mass index (BMI) of 30, which is obese according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). PD currently weighs 230 lbs. and is 72 inches; he has a body mass index (BMI) of 32, which is obese according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). KD currently weighs 95 lbs. and 65.0 inches; he has a body mass index (BMI) of 18.6, which is a healthy weight according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2010). The family states, they have a good appetite and have been trying to lose weight but find it difficult because of the day-to-day stressors they encounter. They believe they need more exercise in the lifestyle but cannot find the time to fit it into the daily lives. They do get annual check-ups and follow-up with their physician as needed. CD and PD both have a high school degree and KD is in the fifth grade at the local elementary school. CD likes to hang out with her son and is involved with her community church. PD likes to watch television and hangout with his guy friends. KD likes to play video games and occasional play basketball with the neighborhood children and play with is pet dog, a miniature long hair Dotson name Jack. Developmental Stage and History of Family The CD is in her forties, and PD is in his fifties and according to the Erikson’s developmental stage, they are both in generativist versus stagnation. Harder (2009) â€Å"so when we’re in this stage we often fear inactivity and meaninglessness†(7). The son is 10 years-of-age and according to Erikson’s development stage, he is in industry versus inferiority. During this stage, the son is capable of learning, creating, and developing new skills. In addition, he should be very social but if feelings of inadequacy among his peers he may have problems with competence and self-esteem (Harder, 2009). CD was born in America on August 11, 1965, was adopted by the age of eight. She recently has contacted with her biological father and keeps in-touch with him. Her biological fathers’ background is unknown because he was also adopted at birth. CD does not know anything about her biological mother and prefers to keep it that way. CD states, she was abandoned along with her two younger brothers at a young age. CD’s father was could not handle the children, both financial and emotional so he gave them up for adoption. CD and her younger brother were adopted together to an English-speaking American family in Colorado. A younger couple looking to adopt a baby adopted CD baby brother at the age of one. CD states, her adopted parents were both very loving parents to them, and they had good religious upbringing. CD first marriage failed after 22 years and through this marriage, they adopted CD’s niece infant son. KD who is 10, and he was born on March 5, 2001. CD’s husband PD, was born in the East Coast of New Hampshire in 1956, and he has lived here his entire life. CD and PD lives in a trailer park and just barely makes ends meet. They both work but their income is not pulled together and shared to pay the bills. CD states, she pays for everything, whereas, PD is only responsible for park rent, but there has been time that he neglected to pay and CD had to pay the rent. CD is concerned where he spends his money, and although she loves him, he is not a partner in this relationship. Environmental Data The family’s home was factory built-in 1986. As I drive up to their home, they have a paved driveway and storage shed adjacent to the trailer. There is no garage for their two vehicles they own. As you walk up to the home, they have a small deck at the front entrances. Once inside the front door you walk into an open concept kitchen, dining room, and living area. The bedrooms are at the end of the narrow hallway and with one full size bathroom and a laundry-room adjacent to the bathroom. The home is heated by propane force-hot-air. There are smokes and carbon monoxide detectors located at both end of the home are functioning properly. Their home is very well maintained and presents a welcome home like feeling. The neighborhood is somewhat a loner community not actively with socializing. Everyone keeps to himself or herself unless they have kids. There are 25 other well-maintained trailers and good landscaping in the park. There are five families in the park that have children at the same age as KD, and the neighborhood children frequently get together to bike or play sports. There is a play park with basketball hoop, swings, and jungle bars for the neighborhood kids, so they can play and interact. Major grocery store is just one mile from the park, and the park is approximately five miles from downtown. CD states, she does not socialize with her neighbors but thinks that they are pleasant. The family believes that the neighborhood is safe and has a low crime rate. The family spends most of their time with community service through their church. Family Structure and Functions I found during my interview with the family that communication patterns were not shared but was dominated by CD who was more out spoken than PD and KD. CD answered most of the interview questions but PD charmed in from time-to-time if he wanted to add more in-site to the questions or if the question were more pertaining to his background. KD was somewhat shy and clinks to his mother most of the time especially, when he was not feeling well. KD is well behaved and communicates with his parent with respected. KD gets along well with his stepfather; there is no evidence of any behavioral issues in the relationship. KD sees his adopted father every other weekend, and he enjoys his visit with him. Both CD and PD do not believe in spanking as a form of punishment when KD needs discipline but believes in time-out and or grounding him when its’ needed. CD states, she is the sole decision maker in the family. They do not have a joint bank account, PD’s money is his, and CDâ€⠄¢s money is hers. CD manages and pays the bills, whereas PD is only responsible for the park rent. CD states, her employer has cut her hours from 40 to 32 hours, she is finding it difficult to keep up with the bills and being the main support of the family. She states, PD has not always paid the park rent so that leaves the burden on to her. When I asked PD why CD is managing the household financials by herself, he did not want to discuss the matter. PD and CD share the responsibility in cooking the meals, cleaning the house, and taking care of the laundry. KD helps with keeping his room cleaned and takes out the trash. PD is also responsible for mowing the grass and taking care of the yard. The family demonstrates reserved affective and socialization functions. Their affection is demonstrated by helping each other with the household responsibility and taking care of KD. CD and PD shows affection with verbalization of I love you and a kiss. KD is close with his mother and hangs out with his step dad occasion. The family as hole respects each other and can express their concerns or issues to one another. The family takes their health care functions seriously. They receive routine health care check-up and believe in healthy eating but do not always practice it routinely. The family at present seems to be healthy and well developed they like to take frequent walks around the neighborhood as a form of exercise. CD is currently being treated for depression and for neck pain. She has a past medical history of asthma, arthritis, and hysterectomy at the age of 34 years-or-age, and she wears prescription glasses to drive. PD is currently being treated for GERD and hypertension. He is not always good about taking multivitamins and the last doctor visit was a year ago. Both CD and PD do not drink or smoke. CD and PD make sure that KD has regular health check-ups, along with keeping up his immunization shuts. Recently KD has developed constipation and stomach pain, he has been through testing, and his physician is not able to find anything medically wrong. KD’s physician believes it could be related to the new stressors in his life regarding his adopted father and his new girlfriend. Family Stress and Coping As talking to both CD and PD, they both demonstrate dealing with stressors in the household and at work. CD and PD are worried about KD and what is causing his feeling sick both emotional and physical at times. The family has seek both medical and psychological advice and getting KD the help, he needs dealing with his adopted father and his new girlfriend. CD is also dealing with several stressors at the present both at home and work. Her work-related stressor is that her hours have been cut back, and she does not know how she going to get all her work done in a short period. She believes her home-related stressor is she will not be able to financial support her family because of her decrease income and her x-husband has been laid-off so most likely will not get child support for a while. PD stressor at home is not providing more of the financial support that he should. They believe most of the time they handle stressors well, by talking things through, but they admit there is some things they do not feel comfortable bring things up in-order to deal with them. Family Nursing Diagnosis As I looked at the information that I had gathered through Friedman Family Assessment, I found several opportunities that I could focus on for a priority nursing diagnosis. However, I felt that the one that I could contribute more energy to is improving the family nutritional intake and improve in the family activities to promote good health. The priority nursing diagnosis is imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements related to food intake that exceeds body needs, psychosocial factors, and socioeconomic status. The evidence is noted by the lack of exercise, family activities, excessive intake in relation to metabolic need and BMI indicates obesity for both parents and eating out more often than cooking meals at home. The second nursing diagnosis is interrupted family processes: changes in mutual support related to modification in family finances. The evidence is noted by CD work hours decrease so she will be bring home less pay, PD not contributing to the household income, and x-husband lose job and no longer will be able to provide child support. The third diagnosis is impaired parenting: frequent illness related to KD coping with the stressor the potential of him feeling he is losing his adopted father who is in another relationship. The evidence is noted by KD complaining of stomach pain, nausea, and constipation. Community Health Nursing Interventions The interventions that the nurse will start with for this priority nursing diagnosis is ascertain previous dieting history. This will help the nurse and family determine, which diets and strategies used, results, and individuals frustrations, and factors interfering with his and her success. Another intervention is to implement and review a daily food diary. Both CD and PD are to keep a daily diet dairy for the next two weeks to help determine what time they eat, what they eat, how much the eat, where they eat and why they are eating or reflect on their feelings at the time. This will help the nurse understand CD and PD eating patterns with the when, what, how, and the why approach. The last nursing intervention is for the nurse to determine the CD and PD motivation for weight loss, by assessing why both want to lose weight. Weight loss is depended on what type of motivates CD and PD. Is the motivation related to health concerns, own satisfaction, and gain approval from others or from each other. The community nurse will be able to help families like this one by using assessment tools such as Friedman Family Assessment model. The tool is important to assess the family in-order to provide valuable information about the family to help complete the nursing process. The information collect will help the community nurse to focus on the family needs. In addition, to help the family develops objectives, goals, and intervention on how to achieve and maintain the goals along with making sure that the family has a positive outcome. References Harder, A.F. (2009). Erik erikson stages of development. Retrieved from Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community, (7th ed.). Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook collection database. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Calculate your body mass index. Retrived from
Saturday, September 14, 2019
A Clockwork Orange Essay
The novel A Clockwork Orange written by Anthony Burgess and published in 1962 is a brilliant commentary on humanity and morality in our evermore controlling world. Burgess believes that the freedom to make moral choices is what seperates human beings from plant life and lower animals. He illustrates his beliefs on morality with his main character Alex. Alex is given freedom to make his own choices, and is able to see good and bad as both equally valid decisions. Once the state removes Alex’s right to make these moral choices he becomes nothing more then just a thing. This novel uses elements such as the Christian idea of morality to further this point. Also Burgess uses his own creation, the language of Nadsat to further this point that our reality is subjective to our moral stances in this world. The language Brugess developed is the fashionable dialect amongst the teens of A Clockwork Orange. Deemed Nadsat by Burgess to reflect the Russian roots of its dialect, â€Å"Indeed, the word ‘nadsat’ actually comes from the Russian suffix for ‘teen’. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). Burgess developed the language of Nadsat after learning Russian for a trip he had been planning with his wife. This article explains the language as us elements of Anglo-American, but many of the words having Slavic roots. †The language,nadsat, is explained by Blake Morrison in his introduction to the book as, ‘essentially Anglo-American †¦ but many of the words are Slavic in origin,’. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). This is a testament to Burgess’ ability to manipulate English and other origins of language to paint a picture and create an atmosphere with words. Another example of Burgess utilization of vocabulary is in main character Alex’s name, that stems from a-lex which has means without law, a fair testament to his personality, and behavior, â€Å"Another interesting feature of the book, related to the language, is the meaning of Alex’s name, which comes from a-lex, which means without, or outside the law. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). The language was developed to have certain effects on the reader, and put emphasis on the first person perspective in which this novel was written. One of the effects the use of Nadsat has on the reader is creating a distancing feeling from reader to Alex and his story. This makes the reader feel like more of an outside observer to the happenings of this novel. However, dialect used like â€Å"O my brothers†creates a conflict effect to the effects of Nadsat, as it is inclusive as opposed to distancing. This gives the novel a feel that Alex is telling his story to you, a close friend, in a later more stable time in Alex’s life. This article establishes recognition of this incongruous literary device, â€Å"the way in which Alex addresses us, quite often with the words ‘O my brothers. ‘ makes the story being told more personal, as it seems to be just us that Alex is talking to, and we are in receipt of an amazing story which is only being told to a chosen few. This use of language is incongruous to the use of the nadsat†¦ †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). The trend of distancing through Nadsat is continued in the effect it has on dulling the violence and graphic content found throughout A Clockwork Orange. Most of the context in which Nadsat is used contains discussions of ultra violent behaviors. This allows the reader to judge and observe Alex with only a vague understanding of the extent of his violent and sinister activities. This article illustrates this point with a quote from Burgess, the violence in the book is partially veiled, making it seem less shocking. As Burgess himself explained;’to tolchock a chelloveck in the kishkas does not sound as bad as booting a man in the guts. ‘†(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). Another effect Nadsat has on the reader is that it helps differentiate the teenagers from mature adults, or furthermore, those who carry a similar ideology, or hold a similar understanding to main character, Alex, and those who do not. As Illustrated in this article, â€Å"In one way, however, Burgess’ use of the nadsat provides a useful reference point for us in figuring out who among the characters is a ‘teen’ and who is not. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). This point is also made by Alex in part three,†Oh, that,†I said, â€Å"is what we call nadsat talk. All the teens use that, sir. (A Clockwork Orange, 167). This article is an introduction to Brugess’ creation, Nadsat. It clarifies the roots and origins of the dialect found in a Clockwork Orange. Explaining where Anthony Burgess found the inspiration to develop the dialect to represent the youth of his novel. Also it helps the reader understand the effects Burgess is trying to have on your perception of the story with the introduction of Nadsat. These understandings all furthers your understanding and immersion into the story and ideals behind the story A Clockwork Orange, which I think is one of the many reasons this great story carries such a cult following. A clockwork orange Essay By the end of the novel Alex has changed as if by clockwork, because he cannot stop himself growing up into an adult and he knows that he will become one of the bullied people as the new youth are born, and if he has kids that they will go through the same process as he did, just like clockwork and he cannot stop it from happening: †and nor would I be able to stop him. And nor would he be able to stop his own son, brothers. And so it would itty on to like the end of the world†. After chapter two, he said â€Å"I am a clockwork orange†, this is because after Lodovico’s technique, he had no free will because as he could not even protect himself from fights because whatever the doctors said he would do, in this sense he has become a machine, or a clockwork toy, like children’s toys, as this novel has many references to children’s things, which have been warped, like the milk with drugs in it, and now Alex being a clockwork toy. These attempts to change him failed because he had become a mechanism of the doctors, and change was forced upon him, but the final chapter of the book shows that people change and mature naturally from within, change cannot be forced upon them. The novel â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde†has a completely different structure to that of â€Å"A Clockwork orange†. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde there is the use of multiple narrators, instead of just the one. This tells us, that there was no voice for the people not in the higher class of society with the upper class only important, because all the narrators are all high-class people with well paid jobs, as seen by: â€Å"Mr Utterson the lawyer†this shows that Victorians had a very narrow view of society. This relates to Robert Louis Stevenson’s background because he was brought up in the upper middle classes of Edinburgh, he was raised as a Calvinist, in which the elect were the ones blessed by God, who turn out rich and the reprobates had a bad life, however Stevenson rebels against this and gives up law to become a writer, and he marries an already divorced woman with three children, he also by the final years of his life travels the world, this is why we only hear from Jekyll/Hyde in the last chapter, because Hyde represents rebellion , as Roberts life was very restricted, like Jekyll before he rebelled, but after he rebelled he was free like Hyde. Stevenson breaks the book apart in this way because at the time he wrote the book, society was disintegrating, as immigrants were coming to London bringing disease, religion was breaking apart because of science, crime was rising, and there was a huge division of classes, and Hyde in the novel is represented as foreign, as he is described as â€Å"some damned juggernaut†, which is a Indian religious statue which is carried through the streets not stopping even if people are crushed underneath it, portraying him a some sort of disease. The language of Jekyll represents that of the other narrators in the novel, because all of them are upper class men so they are expected to talk in a certain manner, as seen: â€Å"But I have been pedantically exact, as you call it†, this is quite a high class way of speech, and Jekyll is narrowed by this way of speech because he is high class. However in the final chapter, the language starts to change because he has to make a final decision about who to stay as, Jekyll, or Hyde, as he start to become scared, as when Jekyll starts to describe his transformation into Hyde the language becomes more fluent, fun, youthful language: â€Å"Edward Hyde would pass away like a stain of breath upon a mirror†However Jekyll’s speech was respectable, but with boundaries, and was very sharp and did not flow like Hyde’s. Jekyll enjoys evil in the form of Hyde, because in a way it gives Jekyll an opportunity to experience free life without having to be a lower class. He enjoys the life of Hyde more because it has no boundaries, and he feels free with it. In Jekyll’s normal life he is bounded by upper class rules so he has no passion, which he really wants. This resembles †A Clockwork Orange†, as the final chapter of A clockwork Orange, ends unhappily, because Alex has lost all his passion, and beauty, because of his changes in music: â€Å"I was slooshying more like malenky romantic songs†when he was small he was full of life when hearing Beethoven, and he has lost that as he has become older, his fun youth days have gone. This is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because with Jekyll his class binds him, so he cannot be free and have wild fun, but when he is Hyde he is free and youthful: â€Å"I was often plunged into a kind of wonder at my vicarious depravity†, he is also †younger, lighter, happier†, and he gets a †heady recklessness†when Hyde. Stevenson is like Hyde in the sense that, Hyde is a figure of rebellion again the upper class boundaries, and Stevenson did exactly the same as he rebelled against Calvinist beliefs. He could also be seen like Jekyll, bounded because of his class, but Stevenson bounded by his illness, and all the time he wanted to break free, and finally he did, to become an individual, not held back by beliefs, or morals. This novel says that morals and classes cannot bind human nature, people have to become what they become, and there is no stopping that, because as people grow they will change, and rebel against beliefs, which they think, are wrong. A Clockwork Orange Essay Anthony Burgess uses a number of devices to evoke both sympathy and empathy from the reader, most notably in the direction of the novella’s protagonist. Alex’s first person narrative thrusts the reader into the dystopian world Burgess creates and the twisted actions he undertakes as a part of his drug-fuelled ‘ultra-violence’. Despite this, the reader is also forced into grasping the understanding of the morally disturbed character and Burgess cleverly manipulates Alex as a representation of the young and troubled generation. The plot itself equally contributes to the readers feeling towards Alex as he additionally becomes a government subject; torturing his mind to remove any capacity of evil and the subsequent downward spiral his life takes. But Burgess continually begs the question: is it possible to feel sympathy for a character capable of the most disgraceful crimes? Structurally, Burgess uses the formation of the novella itself and the division of the parts as a method of finding empathy for Alex. Each part begins with the same question to the reader: â€Å"What’s it going to be then, eh? †which at the start appears innocuous as they decide on their night’s dwellings. But this is repeated in the beginning of the second part as Alex is imprisoned; the same question now has an alternative meaning, his future looks bleak and he is sentenced to a stint in prison because of the murder he commits. Instead of an innocuous question, it now is a meaningful question in the readers head evoking empathy by the uncertainty of his punishment and the impending circumstances of the ‘staja’. Yet the final repetition of the question in the concluding part of the novella enforces the most empathy. Firstly the cyclical nature of the question as it refers right back to the beginning suggests to the reader that perhaps Alex is now actually faced with a choice to either improve his life or to continue to neglect his obvious intelligence. What evokes perhaps the most empathy is that because of his torturing under the Ludivico Technique, he no longer has the capacity to commit evil and free will is ripped away from him. The reader is forced into a moral dilemma through Burgess’s manipulation of the structure which confirms the fear that he has become ‘A Clockwork Orange’. One of the most effective methods Burgess uses is the first person narrative of Alex. First person becomes a tool in the novella which allows Alex to convey his deepest thoughts to the reader, and the perspective of events. Because Burgess uses first person narrative, the reader is forced into the mind of Alex, giving an excellent insight into the absence of morality in the main character. Alex says: â€Å"where was I to go, who had no home and not much cutter? †despite being a criminal, the first person narrative immediately changes the viewpoint for the reader who now sympathises with Alex who is seemingly helpless and abandoned. Burgess successfully uses this narrative to ensure that the reader’s reaction is maximised; the closer to the action the reader is, the more likely they are to feel emotion for the character involved. In the context of the novella, this is following from his family’s rejection of him who have replaced him with ‘Joe’; adding to the sympathy from the reader because family is supposedly the main body of support in life and when your family fails you, that renders you helpless. Alex’s narrative certainly includes numerous examples of emotive language â€Å"I’ve suffered and I’ve suffered and everybody wants me to go on suffering†here the repetition of the word â€Å"suffering†cements the idea to the reader that this is a character who has faced adversity and has appears to have the world against him. The first person narrative immediately sides the reader with Alex, defending his actions when everybody else turns on him. The word â€Å"suffering†suggests the pain Alex has been through, which Burgess conveys to the reader in order to connect with the character in spite of his sickening acts. The device of first person narrative develops into a powerful method of evoking empathy of the reader; shared emotions of the troubled character allow the reader to enter Alex’s mind and the thought process behind the violence thus excusing him from even the most unacceptable atrocities. How Alex addresses the reader is also a method which Burgess uses as a connecting link. Whilst in first person narrative, he addresses the reader continually: â€Å"O, my brothers†. Initially this appears to be neither transcending nor condescending which gives the reader a certain relation to Alex, as if he was a regular person somebody would meet. But also the connotations of the word â€Å"brother†is significant as it develops a fraternal relationship between the reader and Alex; a family, brotherly bond where the trouble Alex finds himself in, the reader understands and can even begin defending him. But as the plot progresses Alex also appeals to the reader directly labelling himself: â€Å"Your Humble Narrator†. The language is suggestive of Alex lowering of himself, in service to the reader. To the reader, this changes the relationship previously outlined by the character who now considers himself beneath his superiors and perhaps this is a result of the continual demise of his life and his treatment, the lack of confidence and recognition of his place on the social hierarchy. The character of Alex himself can certainly be seen as a device constructed by Burgess which attracts sympathy. Notably, his love of classical music is considered an acquired taste and is associated with the higher class things in life as a fine art. But his passion for it is evident: â€Å"Then, brothers, it came. Oh, bliss, bliss and heaven†and his reaction upon hearing his favourite sound is interesting as he closes himself from the rest of the world in his corner of his bedroom. In relation to a 1960’s audience when classical music was perhaps more common in society, Alex’s preference would have certainly be shared with many people of the era. The effect this has is that both the reader and the main character have a shared taste, a common ground, linking them. Here, sympathy is created by Burgess as the readers feel closer to Alex through his love of classical music, giving him a more human side despite his violent tendencies. In conclusion, the novella on the whole culminates to evoke sympathy for the main character. Burgess main device of achieving so is certainly the first person narrative in which the audience is given the clearest insight into the protagonist’s actions and thoughts; making a strong bond from the beginning. Rather than ‘not encouraging to find much sympathy’ indeed it is actually hard to not find sympathy in the character of Alex. Ultimately the audience’s moral dilemma of feeling sympathy for a character capable of the most sinister acts is overridden by the embedded human nature of nurturing and rehabilitation; even the most evil of criminals can be put on the right path and change their ways. A clockwork orange Essay Q1. What do we learn about the character of Alex in â€Å"A clockwork orange†form the first four chapters? In â€Å"A clockwork orange†Alex is the main character, there are also 3 other important characters too they are Dim, Pete and Georgie, they are all in the same gang. Alex is the leader of this gang we know this because he calls Dim, Pete and Georgie â€Å"his droogs†. Alex is fifteen years old and he is a teenager who enjoys drinking and taking drugs, like all teenagers he is rebellious. He has a lot of power over people and can be quite manipulating at times as in chapter one he buys some drinks for some ‘old baboochkas’ so he has an alibi. We find out that Alex is fascinated and enjoys violence and sex. He chooses to do the bad things he does because he likes to do them ‘But what I do I do because I like to do’. We learn that Alex is well educated and can speak politely to people who are able to find out what he does and make him stop doing what he does, like P. R. Deltoid, his post-corrective adviser; he talks to him very politely however he does go over the top on the politeness and sounds patronising for example ‘to what do I owe the extreme pleasure? Is anything wrong, sir? ‘ we learn that he doesn’t care for anyone than himself, otherwise I don’t think he would of caused pain to innocent people. He doesn’t like to be dirty, and when Dim was all dirty and looked a mess Alex and the other two characters tidied him up. I don’t think he feels guilty after all the crimes that he commits however I do feel that he sometimes holds back and he only does the bad things he does when he has taken drugs. As well as enjoying violence and sex he enjoys classical music especially Beethoven’s ninth symphony, as when he rapes a woman in her home he puts classical music on and the way he describes the music ‘slooshying the sluice of lovely sounds’. In chapter three he associates violence with the music and climax’s with the music whilst thinking about violence. Alex is very much of an individual. Q2. What effects does the style of the novel create? The way ‘A clockwork orange’ is written is using a mixture of slang, old English, cockney rhyming slang, and foreign words, this is because it is Alex’s own special gang language. Every gang at the time had their own gang language, which could be very different or very alike to Alex’s, to this day people around the country have their own gang language. The way Anthony Burgess has written the novel has made the reader feel very involved in the violence; I sometimes feel that I have actually witnessed Alex doing the dreadful things he does. The writer has achieved this by preaching to the reader ‘O my brothers’. The word brother makes you feel part of his gang, when he is speaking to his other gang members or describing something he is doing or done, he will almost every time say ‘my brother’. The way Alex describes things he likes doing he does in so much detail and it really makes the reader feel the same way Alex does about what he likes. As it is from a males view point women aren’t seen as good as men and they are only there for sex. Q3. What do we learn of the society of the novel? In this novel we learn that the society or the area Alex lives is a very rundown area, and it is a working class area. We know there is a lot of trouble in the area as when P. R. Deltoid comes to see Alex, Alex describes him as ‘an overworked veck with hundreds on his book’ this meaning that P. R. Deltoid had lots of trouble makers to see that morning and that he had been in his job for a long time. Also people wont go out at night because of all the crime. His dad says ‘but we don’t go out much now. We daren’t go out much, the streets being what they are. Young hooligans and so on’. This also suggests that there is a big lack of police in the area to control the crime, the authority is undermined by the younger generation. There is also a lot of vandalism in the area as the ‘old municipal painting’ in his flatblock had been graffiti on by people drawing rude things on it. The painting was to show the society of the area and it describes the painting as ‘vecks and ptitsas very well developed, stern in the dignity of labour, at workbench and machine with not one stitch of platties on their well-developed plots. ‘ This is saying that the people in the society are working class however they are proud of what they do. I feel that there isn’t a lot of trust in the area as well and that everyone is frightened of each other because in chapter two the woman at the door had the chain on the door so it is obvious that she is aware of all the crime in the area and is also scared. Although in chapter four the two young girls did not know about the danger of being around Alex maybe this is because they were so vulnerable or they were not aware of the danger in the area. A Clockwork Orange Essay I chose for my text transformation to use the base text ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess. This novel interested me because of its individual language of ‘Nadsat’, a form of slang created by Burgess for gangs of violent English teenagers. The slang serves a serious purpose, which is too keep the violence of the protagonist from becoming unbearable to its reader, keeping the language partly veiled, for example making ‘gratizny bratchny’ sound more pleasant than its meaning ‘dirty bastard’. It is important to realise that its audience of the 60’s have not yet become subject to such violence and despair explored in the novel. So what have I done? I have taken four characters from the novel (Alex’s parents, Alex and the schoolmaster) and placed them into ‘The Jerry Springer Show’, creating a parody of the show. I have given Alex’s parents the names of Janet and Derek and looked at their perspective of Alex’s violent activities. As I would chronologically slot the show in just before the police catch him, I have kept Alex’s attitude of his enjoyment of violence. When the schoolmaster has been beaten up and staggers off, that is the last we have heard of him in the novel, I decided to give him a voice and see what he would have said about his attack. So why did I choose to do this? ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ is a dysfunctional show and Alex is a dysfunctional character. Jerry Springer’s show is amoral TV; it is outrageous, shocking, scandalous and hilarious. The show has no limits. Nearly all stories have major big twists that unfold as more guests get called out. These guests often get violent and try to kick and punch other parties involved, whilst typically Jerry tries to redeem his guests. This is why I think it works well with the character of Alex and his behaviour seen in the novel. The novel represents the society in which Alex lives in as complete dystopian, dark and dismal, with no law and order. ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ is a chat show, although it is very staged with his agenda-setting questions and appearing guests, the show is almost entirely full of spontaneous speech. Therefore I decided to do a transcript version of the show, although obviously not true to its discourse as I would be giving the characters a voice as appose to spontaneous speech written down as it is heard. Jerry Springer, as an American, has his own geographical dialect. It was important to keep this as well as phrases ‘singly the best audience’ and his own idiolect ‘right’, ‘well’, ‘hey’, ‘so’, to indicate his regional origin. Jerry has an informal register that contains much ellipsis, such as â€Å"you’re singly the best†and â€Å"here ’cause you love†. The graphology of the transformation is laid out in the convention of the transcript. The names of the characters have been placed on the left hand side indicating who is talking and to the right, is what is actually being said: â€Å"Alex: are you saying do i enjoy lubbilubbing with a devotchas Janet: against their will alex against their will Alex: not recently no em†Sounds that are not fore grounded I have placed in italics for example, the audience’s reactions to the quests comments â€Å"(Audience boos loudly)†. As this is a transcript and not a play, I have not included stage directions or actions taken by the characters, as a recording of the show a transcript would only contain sounds heard on the recorder. The syntax of Alex and his friends, in the novel, is completely different to that of any other characters. The Nadsat slang has derived from many different language sources but many are Slavic in origin. A mixture of Russian and demotic English, with elements of rhyming slang and gypsy talk, ‘O my brothers’, as well as anglicized words and amputations ’em’, ‘pee’.
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