Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Awakening Essay -- essays research papers
The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, tells the story of a woman, Edna Pontellier, who transforms herself from an obedient housewife to a person who, is alive with strength of character and emotions which she no longer has to repress. Playing the role of a wealthy New Orleans housewife, Edna searches for fulfillment in her customary 19th century life, where the Creole society had high expectations of their women. Even with children, a generous husband, and financial stability, Edna finds herself wanting more from life. In the novel, two women friends of Edna, Adele Ratignole and Mademoiselle Reitz signify her awakening and the consequences of her new found self. 	Edna was attracted to both women for their prospective connection to the two existences within which Edna struggles to find herself. Adele Ratignolle is Edna's close friend and confidante, but the two women are nothing alike. Adele is the perfect housewife and mother; she is the epitome of what a Creole woman and mother ought to be. She lives her life for her children, always being sure that they are properly cared for, clothed, and educated. Unlike Adele whose life is fulfilled through loving and caring for her children, Edna is "fond of her children in an uneven, impulsive way" (Chopin, p. 18). They are not enough to justify her life. Adele could not understand how Edna could say that she "would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for anyone" (Chopin, p. 47). Edna's being is ...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Balanced Scorecard approach at the Heathrow Airport Essay
Balanced scorecard is an avenue that is used to gauge performance management. This method was developed by some students from Harvard; it came about as a realization that many businesses relied mostly on financial measures for management purposes. (â€Å"Effective performance with the balanced scorecard, n.d †) Terminal five was a big project which needed great involvement both in terms of manpower but also in regard to resources. The size of the project contributed a lot of hiccups from time to time and great care needed to be taken in order to ensure the project ended well. The team in charge deemed it fit to utilize the balanced score card method to carry out the project to its completion. The project was almost a landmark due to its sheer size and it was recognized in the country as an achievement. The terminal takes care of a large number of users any time throughout any given year. The airport has received accolades as one of the best constructed terminals in the globe. There is a transit system set up that links the terminal to adjacent buildings. The control tower in the building is more than seventy meters long. The project cost more than three billion pounds. The terminal was as a result of efforts by British Airport Authority and British Airways. The project involved more than forty thousand people including both the workers and the team managing it. The contract to build it had been awarded to a group of highly ranked contractors. What did the project target to achieve? High goals were set for the project, style and quality was one of the reasons of developing the esteemed project. The contractors wanted to build a luxurious terminal that combined elegance with safety features. The building had to fulfill the building codes despite its magnitude; this was one of the headaches the contractors found themselves grappling with for the better part of the duration. The other issue was to ensure the project lives up to its expectations; that is fulfilling its mandate of service delivery at the swiftest time possible. (â€Å"Customer Perspective†, n.d.)Several agreements had to be signed among various service providers so as to smooth the processes of work as well as to avoid stalling; time proved to be a scarce commodity for the execution of this project. Service providers were divided in to various integrated teams which were closely monitored for quality assurance purposes. British Airport Authority looked through various projects undertaken by nu merous contractors in order to try and look into limitations the project may have encountered. The score card method helped the team that was in charge of the project to link tasks to ease supervision and create a flawless work schedule. Processes were achieved in an easier manner; also procedures had to match their allocated financial budgets. Results were analyzed at every stage of the project to ascertain the outcomes achieved in relation to the timelines set. (â€Å"Effective performance with the balanced scorecard, n.d †) Under the score card method procedures need to succeed in a number of ways: purpose, measurement and its application. Projects world over have to be carried out in tested methodologies; this helps people the hazards that may arise from utilizing unsure practices in construction and financial management. Vetting had to be carried for individuals in the management team; so as to achieve accountability and good stewardship. The working structure was made in such a way that each team member got himself or herself accountable to the team assigned to. Agreement made for the project as well as the rigid quality structure contributed to the success of the project under the score card method. The four-tier approach for quality check helped to enhance involvement of all who took part. Quality had been a strict condition set up by this procedure; good communication channels help in achieving desired results. (â€Å"Practitioners guide to a balanced scorecard, n.d†) Leadership mattered greatly to deliver success of the project. The leadership team had good coordination with their service providers; their timely supervision and ensuring check and balances were achieved. Suppliers also upped their game by delivering top notch products to ensure the best outcome. (â€Å"Effective performance with the balanced scorecard, n.d †) Behavioral change was another factor that came to the aid of the project; the level of interaction among the people involved was great because everybody worked well as a team. Experts were consulted at regular intervals to ensure procedure was duly followed. Trainings were fostered alongside best practices in quality management and practice. Trainings also acted as further team bonding sessions, they knew a strong united team is best able to deliver success. (â€Å"Practitioners guide to a balanced scorecard, n.d†) Project phases were checked on frequent durations; monthly basis and recorded under the balanced score card process. Color codes were used to make indication concerning status of set targets. Project leaders and the contractors were given an upper hand in decision making but subject to consultations. What were some of the lessons drawn or passed on from the project? Projects need to have indicative measures put in place. Processes have to be made in such a way that validating them becomes easier and processes that are found to be invalid be scrapped. Non-conformance reports should be accompanied by records of cost estimation. The project was a culmination of procedures advocated by the score card method; information from developments gave the stakeholders the psyche to pull through. 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Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Bartleby, The Scrivener Day - 1145 Words
Bartleby, the Scrivener Day 1 1. The lawyer is a smart and observant man that runs a small law practice with four employees. He seems oddly obsessed with one of his former employees though. This infatuation with Bartleby has caused him to write an entire short story about him. 2. The lawyer is considered by others as â€Å"an eminently safe man†because his job, lifestyle, and demeanor are not flashy or risky at all. For example, his job as a lawyer is to work with bonds and mortgages not on high profile murders. 3. The lawyer’s â€Å"profound conviction†that the easiest way in life is the best way shows the reader that he is not very motivated, is probably content with stay where he is at in his career, and is lazy. 4. The lawyer’s business is â€Å"a†¦show more content†¦I would love to have an employer that accepts my quirks for what good I can do. 11 The lawyer’s office and general surroundings are presumably in an office building which is in a city. Inside his office there are two sides one with Turkey and Nippers. The other side has the lawyer and Bartleby who are separated by a screen. In this story, the setting is important because Bartleby in particular and the other people in the office as well are trapped in by other buildings and screens. 12 As presented, Bartleby is a quiet, hard working, pale man that rarely leaves the office during work hours. 13 The work quarters Bartleby has been given are very cramped and claustrophobic. For example, out of all the widows near Bartleby’s desk the only thing visible is bricks from the other buildings and right behind him is a screen separating his office with his boss’s office. 14 As a new hire, Bartleby is very diligent and effective in his work. The lawyer is surprised by how well his new hire is doing so soon. The lawyer even described Bartleby as parched for copy work. 15 The lawyer’s initial impression of Bartleby was very positive. His impression was so positive that he put Bartleby’s desk closest to his own desk so that he could do his more important and urgent tasks. 16 I regarded Bartleby’s response to the lawyer when asked to proofread documents as being as respectful as possible so that he wouldn’t upset theShow MoreRelatedBartleby, the Scrivener Story Analysis535 Words  | 3 Pagesso, you could relate with the lawyer in the story â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener.†In this story, the narrator, who is a lawyer, has a simple man named Bartleby respond to a job opening as a scrivener. Unbeknownst to the lawyer, Bartleby did not act in the manner the lawyer would have expected. Bartleby is so outside of what is expected that it is almost as if he had died and no longer had to live up to society’s standards. In this story, Bartleby is portrayed as a lifeless zombie and is alone withRead MoreEssay about The Significance of Confusion in Bartleby the Scrivener748 Words  | 3 PagesBartleby the Scrivener presents the reader with confusion throughout the story but it is a pleasurable and disquietude story and entertaini ng until the end (Prompt.) Bartleby is repetitive on refusing to complete activities; the reader might wonder, why not just agree, and do the activity one has requested to be completed? Thus, the reader becomes confused. However, this is not the only thing that confuses the reader; Bartlebys bizarre behaviors confuse the reader, yet draw the reader intoRead MoreBartleby The Scrivener Analysis1203 Words  | 5 Pagesinclude â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†. The story of â€Å"Bartleby†is not only a revelation of the business world of the mid-19th century but at the same time, it is also the manifestation of the emerging capitalistic lifestyle of perhaps New York’s most prominent street, Wall Street. Bartleby is a rather peculiar yet captivating figure. Bartleby’s life and death contribute to a sort of enigma for the reader and his employer. â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener†is a story that criticizes the monotonous day-to-day cycleRead MoreSimilariti es Between Young Goodman Brown And Bartleby The Scrivener1204 Words  | 5 Pages The Prejudices of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†and â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†The story of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†by Nathaniel Hawthorne occurs in the 1600’s and takes place in Salem, a town located in the northeastern side of Boston, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that was established by the Puritan settlers. â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†, by Herman Melville, is set in New York in 1853 in a law office staffed with peculiar men. Both stories have some prejudice aspects. The definition of prejudice is â€Å"preconceivedRead MoreCompare And Contrast Young Goodman Brown And Bartleby The Scrivener1200 Words  | 5 Pages The Prejudices of Young Goodman Brown and Bartleby the Scrivener The story of Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne occurs in the 1600’s and takes place in Salem, a town located in the northeastern side of Boston, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that was established by the Puritan settlers. Bartleby the Scrivener, by Herman Melville, is set in New York in 1853 in a law office staffed with peculiar men. Both stories have some prejudice aspects. The definition of prejudice is â€Å"preconceived opinionRead MoreLord Bartleby, The Scrivener : A Tale Of Wall Street1530 Words  | 7 PagesResistance in Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Tale of Wall Street Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Tale of Wall Street by Herman Melville is best summarized by an Ernest Hemingway quote which states: â€Å"The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.†Bartleby contrasts both his coworkers and the lawyer by boldly exercising his ownRead MoreBartleby the Autistic Scrivener Essay1689 Words  | 7 Pagesshort story â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†is about a lawyer who hires a copyist, named Bartleby, who politely refuses to not work. While most employers would not tolerate an employee who continually prefers to do less work, this lawyer finds it hard to dismiss or discipline his scrivener and allows his insubordination to go on for an extended period of time. Bartleby shows great acquisition at copying documents and works diligently all day and night. The lawy er soon discovers that Bartleby has begun toRead More Social Deviance in Bartleby the Scrivener Essay608 Words  | 3 Pages Social Deviance in Bartleby the Scrivener nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Bartleby the Scrivener is a story that takes place on Wall Street, peopled by workers of a common mold.nbsp; Being a non-conformatist of the most extreme type,nbsp; Bartleby is eventually suffers a death of attrition.nbsp; The message that Melville intends for the reader is how society has little tolerance for social deviance. nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; I mentioned aRead MoreComparing Barttleby, The Scrivener : A Story Of Wall Street And Bartleby1308 Words  | 6 Pagesthem an injustice? This research will look at the short story Bartleby, the Scrivener: A story of Wall Street and compare it to Jonathan Parkers 2001 film version Bartleby. Herman Melville wrote the short story â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener: A story of wall street†in 1853, narrating a tale from a lawyer about his strange behaved office clerk Bartleby. In 2001 Johnathan Parker of Parker productions turned that story into a film, â€Å"Bartleby.†However, Jonathan Parker makes many changes from the classicRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club And Bartleby The Scrivener1376 Words  | 6 Pageswith Amy Tan’s ‘The Joy Luck Club’ and Herman Melville’s ‘Bartleby, the Scrivener,’ as I resonated well with its main characters; just as the characters gradually developed in their respective stories, I fou nd that I, too, developed by applying the story s main motifs to my life. My appreciation for ‘Bartleby’ developed over the two days that I had read it. Upon the first night’s reading of half of Herman Melville’s ‘Bartleby, the Scrivener,’ I considered the story and its characters to be banal.
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