Monday, March 2, 2020
Rock Me Amadeus and Der Kommissar Lyrics by Falco
Rock Me Amadeus and Der Kommissar Lyrics by Falco Falco was one of the first Euro-pop stars to receive a truly international fan base. His hit songs like Rock Me Amadeus and Der Kommissar are a mix of German and English lyrics in a techno-pop style and they topped international music charts during the 1980s. While Falcos life and career were short, he left a mark on music history. He was one of the first musicians who broke national barriers and appealed to music lovers throughout the world. Who Was Falco? The Austrian pop star Falco was born Johann Hà ¶lzel in Vienna on February 19, 1957. He first gained international attention with his huge hit â€Å"Der Kommissar†in 1982. After â€Å"Rock Me Amadeus†in 1985, Falcos popularity extended into the 1990s until his untimely death at the age of 40. Falco died on February 6, 1998 in an auto accident near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. He had moved there in 1996 to avoid high Austrian taxes and the constant attention for media. He was in the process of setting up a new recording studio when he drove into the path of an oncoming bus. Falcos Biggest Hits The majority of Falcos songs contain what VH1 calls â€Å"a droll mixture of German and English lyrics.†Many were recorded and released for both the European and American markets as well as various other editions. The versions of â€Å"Rock Me Amadeus†and â€Å"Der Kommissar†on European releases are different from the U.S. releases, plus there is a variety of â€Å"remix†versions of many Falco songs. Falcos German lyrics are usually easy to understand (except when he uses a Viennese dialect). While many of his songs were popular, only a few were really big hits: Der Kommissar - (1982) Einzelhaft albumRock Me Amadeus - (1985) Falco 3 albumJeanny  - (1985) Falco 3 albumVienna Calling - (1985) Falco 3 album Rock Me Amadeus Lyrics Released in 1983, Rock Me Amadeus was Falcos biggest hit and it topped music charts all over the world. There was also a U.S. version released for radio, but the lyrics do not have the same pizazz or tell the full story of Falcos original lyrics. In true Falco form, English is scattered throughout this song. This is particularly true in the chorus, which is quite catchy and filled with little more than Amadeus, Amadeus, Rock me Amadeus. Instead of including the complete song lyrics, lets focus on the German verses and their translations. By isolating these lines from the hit tune, we can see Falcos admiration for Mozart which was likely influenced by his classical music training in Vienna. The original lyrics show how Falco brought the classical composer into the spotlight and explained him as a rock star of his day. If you know much about Mozarts life, you will realize that this is really not far from the truth. Falcos Lyrics Direct Translation by Hyde Flippo Er war ein PunkerUnd er lebte in der groen StadtEs war Wien, war ViennaWo er alles tatEr hatte Schulden denn er trankDoch ihn liebten alle FrauenUnd jede rief:Come on and rock me Amadeus He was a PunkerAnd he lived in the big cityIt was Vienna, was ViennaWhere he did everythingHe had debts, for he drankBut all the women loved himAnd each one shouted:Come on and rock me Amadeus Er war SuperstarEr war populrEr war so exaltiertBecause er hatte FlairEr war ein VirtuoseWar ein RockidolUnd alles rief:Come on and rock me Amadeus He was SuperstarHe was popularHe was so exaltedBecause he had flairHe was a virtuosoWas a rock idolAnd everyone shouted:Come on and rock me Amadeus Es war um 1780Und es war in WienNo plastic money anymoreDie Banken gegen ihnWoher die Schulden kamenWar wohl jedermann bekanntEr war ein Mann der FrauenFrauen liebten seinen Punk It was around 1780And it was in ViennaNo plastic money anymoreThe banks against himFrom which his debts cameIt was common knowledgeHe was a womens manWomen loved his punk Note: English phrases in italics are also in English in the original song. Der Kommissar Lyrics Falcos first international hit was Der Komissar, released in 1982 on the Einzelhalt album. This song is a perfect example of how Falco mixed German and English in his music. This unique style in language had a certain appeal to his fans and is one of the main reasons why he found such worldwide fame. Der Kommissar also demonstrates how innovative Falcos music was in the early 80s dance club scene. This is one of the great examples of the singer fusing techno-pop music while rapping the German lyrics. This song still gets a lot of play on hits-of-the-80s radio stations- usually the English version by After the Fire. A German line from that song did, however, became familiar to English-speakers around the world: â€Å"Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?†(Got that, Mr. Commissioner?). Falcos Original Lyrics Direct Translation by Hyde Flippo Two, three, fourEins, zwei, dreiNa, es is nix dabeiNa, wenn ich euch erzhl die GschichtNichts desto trotz,Ich bin es schon gewohntIm TV-Funk da luft es nicht. Two, three, fourOne, two, threeWell, it doesnt matterWell, when I tell you the storyNone the less,Im quite used to itIt wont be running in TV-Funk. Ja, sie war jung,Das Herz so rein und weiUnd jede Nacht hat ihren Preis,Sie sagt: Sugar Sweet,Ya got me rappin to the heat!Ich verstehe, sie ist hei,Sie sagt: Baby, you know,I miss my funky friends,Sie meint Jack und Joe und Jill.Mein Funkverstndnis,Ja, das reicht zur Not,Ich berreiss*, was sie jetzt will. Yes, she was young,Her heart so pure and whiteAnd every night has its price.She says: Sugar Sweet,ya got me rappin to the heat!I understand, shes hot,She says: Baby, you know,I miss my funky friends,She means Jack and Joe and Jill.My understanding of funk,yeah, itll do in a crunch,I understand what she wants now. Ich berleg bei mir,Ihr Nasn spricht dafr,Whrenddessen ich noch rauch,Die Special Places sind ihr wohlbekannt,Ich mein, sie fhrt ja U-Bahn auch.Dort singens:Dreh dich nicht um, schau, schau,der Kommissar geht um!Er wird dich anschaunund du weit warum.Die Lebenslust bringt dich um.Alles klar, Herr Kommissar? I think it over,Her nose does the talking,While I continue to smoke,She knows the Special Places very well;I think she takes the metro, too.There theyre singing:Dont turn around, look, look,the Commissioner is out and about!Hell keep his eye on youand you know why.Your zest for life will kill you.Got that, Mr. Commissioner? Hey man, wanna buy some stuff, man?Did you ever rap that thing Jack?So rap it to the beat!Wir treffen Jill and JoeUnd dessen Bruder hipUnd auch den Rest der coolen GangSie rappen hin, sie rappen herDazwischen kratzens ab die Wnd. Hey man, wanna buy some stuff, man?Did you ever rap that thing Jack?So rap it to the beat!We meet Jill and JoeAnd his bother hipAnd also the rest of the cool GangThey rap to, they rap froIn between they scrape it off the walls. Dieser Fall ist klar,Lieber Herr Kommissar,Auch wenn sie andrer Meinung sind:Den Schnee auf dem wir alleTalwrts fahrn,Kennt heute jedes Kind.Jetzt das Kinderlied:Dreh dich nicht um, schau, schau,der Kommissar geht um!Er hat die Kraft und wir sind klein und dumm,dieser Frust macht uns Stumm. This case is clear,Dear Mr. Commissioner,Even if you have a different opinion:The snow on which we allski downhill,every child knows.Now the nursery rhyme:Dont turn around, look, look,the Commissioner is out and about!He has the power and were little and dumb;this frustration makes us mum. Dreh dich nicht um, schau, schau,der Kommissar geht um!Wenn er dich ansprichtund du weit warum,Sag ihm: Dein Lebn bringt dich um. Dont turn around, look, look,the Commissioner is out and about!When he talks to youand you know why,tell him: Your life is killing you. * à ¼berreissen Austrian slang for verstehen, to understand Note: English phrases in italics are also in English in the original song. The German and English lyrics are provided for educational use only. No infringement of copyright is implied or intended. These literal, prose translations of the original German lyrics by Hyde Flippo are not from the English versions sung by either Falco or After the Fire.
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